Pauline Bewick is one of Ireland's most acclaimed artists and has become an integral part of Ireland’s cultural legacy. Her unique style of painting is recognisable internationally.

Pauline has travelled the world, and the subject matter of her work varies accordingly - from the straight lines of a New York skyscraper, the churning waves at Rossbeigh Beach, to a grove of swaying coconut trees in the South Seas – Pauline’s unique style is distinguishable throughout. To view a collection of her work is to view the world. The Coconut Grove in the South Seas hangs in peaceful harmony with Kerry’s Beallaghbeama and with Luca’s Garden in Tuscany; the rise and fall of rushed and busy lives is captured in New York New York New York, while Board Meeting and Poker Card Game give us a cynical, witty look at life – altogether creating balance in her view of the world.
This website showcases her work to date, ranging from her first small sketches at just over two years old on a farm in 1930’s Kerry, through to the huge pieces she currently paints from her home in Kerry, and a wide variety of other works from her travels across Ireland, Wales, England, France, Tuscany, Turkey, China, and the South Pacific.
For more than 80 years Pauline Bewick has represented her life in sketchbooks, sculpture, paper, canvas, tapestry, ceramics, glass and the written word - pouring her emotions and thoughts into whatever medium she chooses to master.
Pauline Bewick at work in her studio
Photograph Ⓒ by Nina Finn-Kelcey

State Collections & Travelling Collection
In 2005, Pauline Bewick announced on the RTE Late Late Show that she was donating to the Irish State a collection of over 500 of her art works, representing both her 70 years and all stages of a woman’s Life. These pieces are now placed on permanent display in Waterford & Kerry. A further 250 pieces, telling the same life story are available to travel at home and abroad.

Other Collections
“ She has given us during her first years a range of works which are a unique statement of woman and of woman’s encounter with life from childhood, through courtship, marriage, motherhood and full maturity as a successful practising artist.”
Dr. James White, the former Director of the National Gallery of Ireland and author of the biography ‘Pauline Bewick, Painting a Life’ Wolfhound Press, Dublin.